Textures and Materials

In this section we’re looking at different ways to use textures and materials in Unreal Engine 4.

UE4 Tutorial – Simple In-game Movie Screen

In this tutorial we will set up a simple in-game movie screen by using UE4’s Media Player function. The screen will be activated when the Player is in close proximity to it, and stop when the Player moves away.

Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial – Play Movie Before Level Begins

In this Unreal Engine 4 tutorial we look at one way to play a video or movie clip before the level begins. (This is not a perfect solution, however, I hope it might point you in the right direction.)

Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial | Change / Animate Material Colors In-game

Learn how to animate a material’s color while playing the game, either by having the colors change continuously, or after being triggered to change by the Player.

UE4 & GIMP Tutorial – Normal Map / Bump Map for Textures and Materials

Learn how to create your own normal / bump map textures for your game by using Gimp and a simple plugin.

Unreal Engine 4 Tutorials – How to Create a Custom FPS Crosshair

In this tutorial you’ll learn how to create a quick custom made crosshair for your first person shooter game in Unreal Engine 4.

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