This section’s focus is how to create different kinds of Blueprint Classes for Unreal Engine 4.
UE4 Blueprint Class Tutorial | Change Camera Views on In-Game Screen (Press “E”)
In this Unreal Engine 4 tutorial we will be creating two security / surveillance cameras which will be sending their stream to an in-game screen. The cameras will be animated using Sequencer, and the player can switch between the camera angles by pressing the “E” key.
The PC monitor mesh I’m using in the tutorial can be found in the Downloadable Content-section.
UE4 Tutorial | 2 Ways to Open a Website In-game
In this Unreal Engine 4-tutorial we’ll look at 2 ways for the Player to trigger a browser to open a specific website – from within the game. One is to simply trigger the site to open automatically; the other is to create buttons using UMG, where the Player can choose whether to open the website or not.
Two written tutorials of this video’s content exist:
UE4 Blueprint Class Tutorial – How to Create a Collapsing Scene / Level
Here we’ll take a look at how you easily can create a pretty cool scene/level/room where stuff is falling down, collapsing and being fractured when the room is shaking and rumbling.
As I mention in the end of the video, this collapsing scene could be really cool as the last room in a level, where the Player must run like hell to reach the exit, while stuff is crashing all around. Even cooler is it if the Player activates a timer which will self-destruct the level unless he reaches the end on time. You can find an idea for how to create such a timer in the next tutorial:
UE4 Tutorial – Countdown and Self-destruct Level
Learn how to create a simple countdown leading to the level quitting, by creating a blueprint class with a timer, text, collision box and a static mesh.
Unreal Engine 4 Blueprint Class Tutorial – In-game Pop-up Text
In this tutorial we’ll look at one way to display text in the game – not printed to the screen via a HUD (or by using the “Print string”-option I show in the tutorial underneath this one, but actually live in the game as a message that pops up when picking up a key or opens a door, etc.
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