GIMP Tutorial – How To Create an Animated GIF

GIMP Tutorial – How To Create an Animated GIF In this short and easy tutorial, I’ll quickly show you how to create an animated .gif file you can put up on your website or wherever, like the one above. Surely, Continue reading GIMP Tutorial – How To Create an Animated GIF

UDK Tutorial – Import Static Mesh to UDK from Blender

For those of you completely new to both UDK and Blender, and want to use the same flow as I do, which is to create all the game’s meshes and stuff in Blender, and then send ’em over to the Continue reading UDK Tutorial – Import Static Mesh to UDK from Blender

Blender Game – “Super System 2012” – Showcase

The site is slowly growing, and I have now put up the first game on the My Game Projects page, which is “Süper Sistem 2012” (yeah, the funky spelling is just for the lulz of it). This is a Blender Continue reading Blender Game – “Super System 2012” – Showcase

Welcome to Unreal Tutorials!

Greetings peeps! This site will grow as 17.2.2013 time goes on. There will and mostly be Unreal tutorials (UDK) here, but also Blender tutorials and general tutorials about different kinds of web-stuff, like domain hosting etc generic zithromax online. I’ll Continue reading Welcome to Unreal Tutorials!